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Monday, December 21, 2009

THEstinker is a stinker!

THEstinker comes into my room whispering (unusual for him) because FIREman is asleep: "Mommy, ssspppp sssssppp sssspph my pants."

Me: "What? I can't understand you."

THEstinker: "Ssssppppp sssspppp in my pants." (still whispering)

Me: "Huh?"

THEstinker (much more loudly whispering): "I have a car in my pants!!"

Me: Roaring laughter ensues. He cracks me up!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A morning in the life of a notsoSUPERmom

1. Get woken up to the sound of "Mooooommmmmy" from theSTINKER and shuffling sounds of little feet coming down the hall.
2. Notice SPIDERman is up also and ask him to set theSTINKER up with a show to let me stay in bed a few extra minutes.
3. Hear from the kitchen from SPIDERman to theSTINKER "Do you want me to make you breakfast?"
4. Once again hear much faster shuffling down the hall while hearing theSTINKER yell "Mommy, I found my own milk!!" because yesterday he had cereal with water because he didn't want it dry and there was no soymilk in the fridge and he ASKED for water. Gross.
5. Responded, "yes, I know, because I'm the one who bought it at the store, it did not just magically appear".
6. Decide I can either lay in bed wide awake for a few more minutes (since I already am wide awake) or stop a catastrophe in the kitchen before it occurs.
7. Choose get up.
8. Boys choose desired cereal, no kid bowls clean so have to use tupperware, pour desired cereal into one bowl, not enough to go into the other bowl, so try to split evenly.
9. Both boys have breakdown and are sent to room until they can come out happy.
10.Let dog out because she always has to pee first thing and realize I also always have to pee first thing and I haven't yet.
11.Load dishes from the sink to dishwasher that have somehow grown in our sink as I slept while I wait.
12.SPIDERman comes out happy and theSTINKER gets sent back.
13.Hear dog throwing herself against sliding glass door to come back in.
14.Thank God 5 year-olds have their reasonable moments as SPIDERman chooses a different cereal. (Notice I still haven't peed yet)
15.Get both boys settled with their breakfast.
16.Pour my own cereal and fill the dog's bowl so I won't have to trip over her to try to feed her when she comes in.
17.Hear dog throwing herself against sliding glass door to come back in.
18.Let the blasted dog in.
19.Walking to eat my breakfast, am spotted by theSTINKER who says "Mommy, I need driiiiink"
20.Respond "Ok, one more time WITHOUT whining and WITH manners"
21.Go back to kitchen, get him drink.
23.Almost trip over the dog while walking to the computer to write this post!
24.Clock reads 6:46am.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ahhhh, SPIDERman

SPIDERman turns 5 today! Ahhhh, SPIDERman, I love my boy! He is sweet, yet sassy (can a boy be sassy?). He is smart and silly. He knows how to make me laugh. He knows when I need to be cheered up. He is an awesome big brother (most of the time). He can be very helpful and he is trying hard to grow up and show us that he is growing up. He is starting Kindergarten in less than 2 weeks!! Where did the time go?
First born:

1st Birthday:

2nd Birthday:

3rd Birthday:

4th Birthday:

His daddy and I are so proud he is our son!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This one's for Mommie Dearest

Little Jack Horner as narrated by THEstinker

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

SPIDERman Says

SPIDERman asked if FIREman (Daddy) was working and he is so I told him he could sleep in our bed.

SPIDERman from the backseat: "Mommy, I'm lucky. Do you want to know why?"


SPIDERman: "Because Grandma Mickey gave me a dollar, I got a new backpack, and I get to sleep in your bed!" Ahh the simple things in life.